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Your past support made a difference

Thank you. Your past support played a vital role in ensuring young people like Abbey never felt alone.

But we need your support again. 

Every day, 63 young people have their lives tragically turned upside down by a cancer diagnosis, whether it's their own diagnosis or a family member's.

With your kindness, Canteen can provide advice, free counselling, and a safe space to connect, ensuring no young person has to face the challenges of cancer alone. Your compassion enables young people, like Abbey, to stand up to cancer.

Please give a monthly gift today and help make a life-changing difference to the lives of young Aussies living with cancer.

Re-join our community of caring Australians helping young people stand up to cancer

If you would prefer to make your donation over the phone or have a question about your gift, please contact our friendly Supporter Care team on 1800 639 614 or email

Group of young people

By giving monthly, you go beyond providing financial support, you offer a lifeline

Your kindness will help Canteen to provide advice, counselling, and a safe space for young people to connect. 

By giving regularly, you're not only helping young people living with cancer but also funding much needed research and educational programs. Your support can make a real difference and help change the lives of young people and their families living with cancer. 

You'll be making a significant and long-term impact in helping young people cope with the immense challenges of cancer.

Support Canteen
and change lives

Help make a life-changing difference in the lives of young Aussies living with cancer.